Vibration, frequency and energy levels
Our garden song thrush, singing away beautifully . . .
I hear a lot about vibrations, frequency and energy levels these days, even more than I used to and let’s be honest here, we’re a long way from the 60s. So what is it all about? Why would anyone be worried about their frequency and vibration state?
Historically speaking, mankind has been trying to raise it’s vibration/energy level for many centuries, possibly even millennia, in an effort to raise both our outlook on reality and also our potential to create positive change in the world we experience and more broadly into the world . Our understanding of history is limited to what we find and are able to translate into a relatable concept, which is not always the best starting point but it does highlight that we have limits on how far we can look back.
If we go back as far as the ancient Egyptians, they had seven sacred vowels, that were never written down in their hieroglyphics and each were used in vibrational healing ceremonies, along with certain instruments which they believed enhanced this healing. Moving forwards to the ancient Greeks we also see this tradition of musical healing with Pythagoras (of mathematical fame) detailing his belief that each atom creates a particular “sound” in response to its constant movement or vibration, with each having its own function and contributing to the sound of the whole. With this view on physical function and well being, it is easy to understand the viewpoint of illness being caused by a lack of harmony in these vibrations. The oldest culture known to have used sound for healing comes from the Australian aborigines, who used the didgeridoo also known as the yidaki for exactly this purpose, dating all the way back to 40,000 years ago. That’s quite the history for a concept most view as abstract in the modern age.
How far reaching is this sound and vibration concept? Well, it doesn’t take much digging to see how global the concept of sound and vibration is for healing and well-being, if you look to the America’s we have the chants and ceremonies of the Native Americans which probably go back further than we currently understand. Hindus and Buddhist temples are as much associated with sound and vibrations as they are with the statues and associated symbology. Our modern faiths also have a solid grounding in certain sounds, usually spoken in unison, for an effect that goes beyond simply understanding the meaning of the word - the most obvious example being the word Amen, which exists prominently in the Hebrew, Christian and Islamic faiths and is documented as far back as 1,000BC.
These examples highlight the use of sound or language or vibration in a way that goes beyond verbal communication and in some way affects the listener not simply through ears but through the entire body, giving us an awareness of this vibration. What I find particularly interesting is the association of some of these vibrations or frequencies with aspects of well-being or healing. One of the amazing properties of the human hearing system is the concept of adaptation to certain sounds, the classical example being the refrigerator. Most people have one and it makes a definite sound that you can detect when it is turned off or on but in everyday life our brain has learned to tune it out, unless we specifically focussed on it. If our ancient cultures are correct, the same may also be said of the sound and vibration of the human body, something most of us are no longer are able to hear under normal circumstances. Could this vibration be the underlying signal that we perceive when we don’t feel right or feel out of sorts? Taking a more positive view of life, could a feeling of health and vitality also be brought about by a different set of vibrations - dare I say it, good vibrations? Come on Beach Boys fans. . .
Whilst some aspects of our vibrational state can be impacted by what we are exposed to, many of them are impacted by our own purpose and intent. Why not test this out? Approach each new day with purposeful and positive vibrations and energy levels and see how this affects your behaviours and the behaviours of those around you. You might surprise yourself with how much of an impact this makes.