A letter of gratitude

Dear world leaders, members of the WEF, influential billionaires and oligarchs,

I wanted to take the time to send you a letter of thanks, not regarding a single item or occurence but for the environment that you have set, something I could not have experienced had I been born 30 years earlier or even further back than that. I have had the privelege of developing and growing at a time of deep turmoil, not just within my own country but globally, something that would not have been possible without your support. This turmoil has occured at a point in human development where it has not been taken at face value but has been viewed in the light of history and spiritual growth, when questions are still asked although not within the view of the mainstream media, who we now know represent your interests and not ours. I hadn’t realised how far your influence has been able to impact what I watch, hear or read - I do now and so am more critical of what information I receive.

So many things have changed from my perspective and did so in plain sight, which has made the journey a lot simpler and much easier to follow, my thanks again. You have demonstrated so much by your actions and it would have taken me years to work my way through it all had it remained hidden, I will list a few key areas to highlight my point.

The coordinated and orchestrated pandemic, a stroke of genius in its delivery, so well timed were the reactions of the developed world leaders that many of us believed it was the impact and loss of life caused by the virus itself. What quickly became apparent was that it was down to the high levels of pre-planned actions you had all agreed on ahead of time, with the media frenzy dial turned up to max and the world told to hide from imminent catastrophe. If only we had all guessed, the biggest cause for alarm was you! No, it took much later for the penny to drop that you were not afraid of this world ending virus at all, those of you “in the know” travelled and partied even harder than usual. Here in the UK, we were all amazed (when we found out) at how many parties were being held in number 10 Downing Street, the seat of political power in England. Clearly not at normal levels, this was a carnival season with mardi gras levels of drinking and debauchery - something you would associate with a victory not a great disaster (what were you all so pleased about?). To be believable actions and words need to line up, something you forgot about in your gleeful enthusiasm.

The vaccine roll-out was another success, a triumph against the threat of the civilization ending virus. Or was it? The Pfizer trial data was sabotaged by the mixing of the groups before the trial actually concluded, making it impossible to view the safety/efficiacy profile versus placebo, which anyone in the dug discovery business will tell you is something of a no-no. Long term safety trials were not conducted adressing the impact on fertility, genetic harm or generational harm - you simply didn’t have enough time to run these ahead of the roll-out and frankly haven’t bothered to run any since. Anyone who raised concerns about this was immediately silenced on the mainstream media and only got their message out through the emergence of non-regulated platforms like Rumble and Odysee - a level of censorship that still goes on today regardless of the accuracy of the data (you know who demanded that censorship). Follow the science but don’t question the science was the message you put out and yet science itself is a method of questioning, called the scientific method. Regardless, actions speak louder than words, so when you had to change the definition of vaccine to remove the word immunity from it most of guessed the vaccines weren’t doing what they should do. The booster idea was great and yet it too failed to work, how were you to know?

Not the best of starts to saving the world but you were not disheartened, there was so much to do and so many lives at risk. When the unthinkable happened and people started to show an unusual array of medical issues as a result of being vaccinated, well that must have been the last straw, how could you continue the vaccination program if people were talking about the damage it caused? Only one thing for it, you had to make sure that these voices of concern were neither heard nor recognized as anything other than extraordinarily rare occurences - the balance of benefit to harm had to show vaccines saved lives by any means necesary. A note of warning here, at some point people will want to see the actual data and not the models that show this, if you have that hiding in anyone’s garage you may want to dig that information out before it gets ugly.

Fortunately the WHO has stepped into the fray and clarified that there are now so many people vaccinated, it is hard to determine if any harms they receive come from the vaccine or may have occured anyway (who benefits from that statement I wonder). I guess your friends at the WHO are too young to remember the court cases against the smoking industry, who also used that argument, as the proportion of the population that smoked was so high it was hard to determine that lung cancer was caused by cigarettes. In the 1950s the British Medical Journal published an article that did link smoking to lung cancer although it took 40 years before litigation against the cigarette companies gained any traction. Thankfully they got there in the end. I should also point out that the British Medical Journal has been classed as misinformation for speaking out against the harms caused by the vaccine, you must think we’re not keeping up.

This has changed how I view your role in the world I experience, something I am sure many people would agree with. You might think you are doing all this for the benefit of humanity but the results speak for themselves, you are doing far more harm than good. Whilst Mr Gates may think throwing the vaccines under the bus clears his involvement, myself and millions of others feel otherwise. The data was there from the start, testing it on billions of people only confirmed what you must have already known if you are as well meaning and well read as you keep telling us you are.

So thank you, I feel a greater sense of responsibility over my life and my health and know neither to trust nor to listen to any of you as you don’t appear to have anyone’s best interests at heart other than your own. Please take your advice and your wares somewhere else, we need to build a system we can trust, one that will prevent you and your kind from getting involved in our well being. I have no doubt that you could have continued for decades longer without this becoming apparent, so I am grateful for your incisive action at this dificult time and for clearing up my misconceptions on what you actually do.

Good luck where ever your journey takes you, the rest of us need to get moving as there’s a lot of rebuilding to be done.


Safe and effective


The journey forwards