The journey forwards

A Somerset sunset

The slow walk away from Covid feels like it has finally begun, most of the narrative around the so called pandemic has faded in the face of reality, with our governments still uncertain about letting go of their emergency powers. The travel restrictions that were enforced upon all but the most up to date vaccinated travellers are also feeling more like an unwelcome hangover than a necessity to protect “civilization as we know it”. There was no big bang, no major announcement of victory, just a slow letting go of government Covid guidance. Has anything actually changed?

I personally believe that if our governments thought we would follow the guidance, they would still be insisting on it; the problem is that most people have no intention of listening to poorly thought out policies, that have since been shown to be more harmful to them than Covid itself. How could our governments have gotten it all so wrong? Interestingly enough the decisions most governments made were shown to be extremely profitable for key individuals and industries, and genuinely damaging for the majority of every day people - all paid for by the tax payer. If I were feeling less charitable I would call it a money grab of the public purse to benefit the wealthy elite and preserve the current wealth/power structure. The only thing they are running short of is moral fibre.

In this context, it is not surprising how quickly people see through the sham that has been the past two years and how hollow the guidance sounds about the risks to our health. Clearly we were not so much at risk that it stood in the way of our leaders making as much money as possible whilst endangering the health of their citizens in the process. Here in the UK we seem to be cycling through one poor leader after another, from accusations of lying to parliament (Boris Johnson), being incompetent whilst in charge of a national budget (Liz Truss) and now safely into the arms of an unelected economic globalist (Rishi Sunak), whom the country is hopeful can rescue us from all this economic turmoil. I am not sure how many of them remember that our new Prime Minister was previously our Chancellor who steered us into this financial mess in the first place. Wish us luck with the outcome.

The area that gives me the most hope for the future is the freeing up of our social media platforms - the government censorship and thought police ensured our mainstream platforms (Facebook, YouTube, Twitter, Google etc..) all towed the propaganda line over the past 2 years, which allowed non-regulated platforms such as Odysee and Rumble the chance to rise in popularity and to host information that conflicted with the narrative. It was these non-regulated platforms that have supported the exchange of ideas and have highlighted the coordinated assault of many governments on their populations, something many people would not have believed was possible. Whilst we are a long way from understanding the extent of what has happened over the last 2 years, we are more aware than ever that an organization has sought to bring our governments together, under a globalist agenda, to achieve goals that are not in the best interests of the people.

Looking back in the decades to come, I wonder if Klaus Schwab’s book The Great Reset will be viewed in the same light as Mein Kampf was following the second world war, a clear sign of what was coming and that we simply didn’t pay enough attention to it. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t believe any of this is conspiratorial, it has all been done in plain sight and with clear guidance of their goals. What we were not aware of was how far this radical group had infiltrated governments around the world to enable it, using the very principles of democracy in the process. The weakness of democracy is apparently capitalism, who knew?

We need to take back control of our social media platforms (I am hopeful Elon Musk thinks so too), access the information we need to determine what our corrupted governments have been doing and ensure our future governments are limited to the powers they need to serve the people, not to control them. As a species, these games of control and wealth management are holding back our development and have done so for the last 150 years, our ruling elite need to either stand aside, or to be removed from the path of humanity’s growth.

The truth of who humanity are and where we are going has been obscured for too long, the last 2 years has highlighted society’s problem children and there’s no way we can go back to how we were because we cannot trust our governments past their own self interests. The path forwards will need to be a new one, which will be both scary and rewarding, as long as we can conquer our fear of the unknown. The future should be a new adventure and not a re-run of our past.


A letter of gratitude


Louis Pasteur versus Antoine Béchamp