It is your choice


As a slight change from my usual approach to blogs, I thought I’d take an issue head on that continues to be a serious focus for the media and pretty much everywhere else – the vaccine.

I don’t think I need to go into any further detail, unless you live in a country without TV or radio, the arrival of Covid has had more fanfare than any other virus. Originally it was described as relatively benign, nothing to worry about, except to the vulnerable – the elderly and those immunocompromised individuals who struggle with most infections. Coverage and information associated with the disease quickly became politicized with much of the science being contradicted (often by the same person who stated the information originally) and a clear political drive behind lockdowns.

Lockdowns have been a particular issue for me, on the basis of what psychologically are called stressors, a means of coercing people to do what you want by enforcing intolerable change and then offering a route of action that will bring that stressor to an end. This manner of controlling populations was ruled illegal decades ago, as our governments know only too well, as they are unusually effective at forcing people to do what our leaders want, rather than what the population want. What I have most issue with is that the evidence clearly showed lockdowns don’t work (not to impact the spread of Covid) and yet they were introduced repeatedly to influence the population, not in any one country but in most countries. Each one illustrating their ineffectiveness against the disease but with huge effectiveness in population control. Some nations are still using them – I am talking about you Australia! - my heart stands with the population not the government.

The way out of these restrictions, people have been told, is by getting the Covid vaccine – which millions of people have chosen to do – and now must subscribe to a system that tracks your vaccine status and can be used to allow you access to some previous freedoms but more importantly, to deny access to such freedoms for those who have not followed government advice. Once again, a stressor and a solution, none of it by accident.

Each time a stressor and solution were introduced, more people have opted to receive the vaccine and by the law of diminishing returns, we come to the last portion of the population, who choose neither to be coerced into receiving the vaccine or subscribing to the system of tracking and compliance based freedoms. Time for a new approach? For some industries in the UK, if you do not take the vaccine you will lose your job – our “leaders” are hoping that should push those last few to get vaccinated. The government has clearly given up on the soft approach, now it is strong-arming the population, by threatening your livelihood if you choose not to comply. Whilst this has the desired effect on some, there are still those problematic holdouts who simply do not wish to receive the vaccine. As you might imagine, by now this is feeling very personal to a rather large number of people and something our government will be hard pressed to turn around.

What is there left?

Hopefully what should have been the position of the population from the very beginning – choice. Regardless of what you’re told, be it that “the vaccine will protect you”, “the vaccine will protect other people around you”, or a particular favorite “the vaccine will not protect you from those who haven’t been vaccinated”, ultimately the choice is yours. The government has no right to impinge on your freedoms because you disagree with them, they never have.

We will continue to see a government and policy drive to turn one section of the population against the other, as we have been seeing in America, where the danger is no longer the virus, it has magically turned into the unvaccinated population. No longer are people fighting to protect their loved ones from disease, now they are fighting to make everyone compliant with the new system of permission-based liberties owned and organised by the government.

My message is stop being misled, misguided and deluded by the endless list of “facts” about the vaccine and the disease:

  • if you want to be vaccinated because you are concerned about Covid then go ahead and get vaccinated, you’ll be given a disclaimer that it is an experimental vaccine and you cannot file for compensation if you are damaged by it, or if it is ineffective

  • if you don’t want to be vaccinated then don’t get the vaccine, you should be aware that should you contract Covid or any other disease, there are no guarantees that you will not suffer long term effects

Do not get confused into thinking that either of these choices necessitates a covid passport system, health passports have very little to do with preventing disease (and even less about concern for your health!) and have everything to do with government control.

So, let’s separate the issues into what they really are and stop being turned against each other by the government and media, who will distance themselves from any unfavourable outcome and will likely blame the population for civil conflicts that ensue.

Humanity has evolved beyond the boundaries of governments, we do not choose war for political gains, we do not violate individual liberties to retain our power, we do not threaten each other to get our own way. We have evolved, our conscience outweighs the petty squabbling of our political leaders chasing selfish political agendas – it is time we accepted this responsibility to care for our communities. It is time we let the political agenda die, alone and unsupported.


Strength in Unity


Freedom of thought